The Stanislaus County Safety Council,   P.O. Box 485,   Modesto, CA.  95353
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Corporate Wellness Programs

Event Date: 
September 15, 2015 11:30am
Brett Lee, Doctors Medical Center

Event Date: September 15, 2015  11:30am
Presenter:  Brett Lee, Doctors Medical Center

Topic Discussion: Corporate Wellness Programs

How is Doctors Medical Center Redefining Corporate Wellness in our Community with Carin Sarkis, Associate Administrator Director of Business Development and Brett Lee Corporate Fellow.

Corporate wellness participants have up to 1.3 fewer days of short-term  disability claims per year than non-participants. Additional benefits include 28% reduction in sick leave/absenteeism, 26% reduction in healthcare claims, and 30% reduction in worker's compensation claim and disability management.  Given the costs related to claims in todays dollars this can add up to significant cost.  Doctors Medical Center is leading the way in redefining corporate wellness, expanding and creating innovative solutions to corporate wellness and injury prevention programs.  From ergonomic training and analysis, onsite illness and injury prevention training, and customized injury prevention programs aimed at home and work.   At this meeting you will also  Learn about some of the innovative partnerships that DMC has already put into place in our community and what exciting wellness and injury prevention programs and information are available to your organization. Also DMC will be looking for  input from all of our members, this will be an exciting opportunity to share some of the unique needs of your organization so they can continue to be the wellness and healthcare leader in our community.


Meeting Information

Meeting Date: Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Meeting Registration: (Walk-In's Also Welcome)

Meeting Location:  The Season's Catering - 945 McHenry Avenue, Modesto CA (Free Parking in the Rear)

Meeting Time: 11:30 am

Luncheon Cost:

  • Members may pay in advance annually $204.00 (12 Lunches at $17.00)​
  • Members $20.00 (non-advance lunch pay) - cash or check at the door
  • Non-members $25.00 - cash or check at the door