The Stanislaus County Safety Council,   P.O. Box 485,   Modesto, CA.  95353
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Special Event: Proactive Safety Leadership and Vendor Fair

Event Date: 
July 17, 2018 10:45am
Judy Agnew, Aubrey International


JUDY AGNEW, Senior Vice President of Aubrey Daniels International, speaks on the significance of equipping managers and supervisors with the safety leadership skills they need to be successful.  She will share the six steps to leadership success along with tips on how to accomplish them.

A safe work place takes a coordinated effort on the part of all employees. Senior leaders establish safety-oriented vision and values, middle managers put into effect safety management systems, procedures, and accountability, and frontline employees complete the work as safely as possible. Managers and supervisors are perhaps the most crucial roles as it is their moment-by-moment decisions and actions that ensure work is done safely.

10:45 - Noon      Meet with over a dozen Safety Vendors
Noon - 1:00        Judy's Proactive Safety Presentation
1:00 - 1:30pm    Raffle drawings and networking

There is no additional charge if you have prepaid lunches. Extra lunches can be paid for at the door.

$22 for members     $25 for nonmembers     Free Parking

RSVP by July 3 is mandatory for this event. RSVP as soon as possible because we expect to sell out this event.